Monday, November 28, 2011

Hamstand: 'Gymnast' piglet born without hind legs learns to walk on two front trotters


Hogging the limelight: The piglet carefully balances itself while walking on its two front legs

A two-legged pig born without its hind legs has amazingly been taught to walk on its own.
The handicapped beast was born in July in eastern China's Anhui Province and could have struggled to make it through its first few weeks as a piglet, according to its owner.
But farmer Ge Xinping said he managed to nurse the piglet through its early life before helping it stand on its own (and only) two feet.

Farmer Ge Xinping gives the piglet a helping hand at the farm in China's Anhui Province

He has now managed to coax the unnamed young creature outside more often and has helped it get about.
The young pig can carefully balance itself on its front two trotters and can walk around unaided.
The pig now also weighs a healthy 30kg, accoring to its owner.

The young pig had struggled in early life but has grown up and learned to walk on its own

Farmer Ge Xinping said: 'Villagers all love it as it walks like an upside down gymnast.'
The amazing sight is not the first time a Chinese farmer has managed to train a young pig with no hind legs to walk on its own.
Last year a 10-month-old animal, known by villagers in Henan Province, China as Zhu Jianqiang, which means Strong-Willed Pig, was born with only two front legs, which it now uses to walk on.

source: dailymail

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