Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm big enough to clean my own face, mum! Rare baby Amur tiger looks less than impressed by his mother's attentions


Oh mum! Iris gives one of her triplets a loving lick - but he looks less than impressed

This seven-week-old tiger cub looks less than impressed as his mother gives him a hearty lick during his first foray into the open air at a Russian zoo.

The cub is one of three born to female Amur tiger Iris and her mate Kedr, who have already have seven babies.

The latest litter was born at the Royev Ruchey zoo in Russia's Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk on August 5 and the trio have been named Kaktus, Jasmin and Narciss.

I'll get you back! The tiny cub play fights with his mother as the family makes it's first public appearance at Royev Ruchey zoo in Russia's Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk

Siberian tigers are one of the world's rarest species with only 300 thought to be left in the wild, most of which are in Russia's Far East.

The world's largest cat was once a familiar sight across northern China, the Korean peninsula and eastern Russia.

But loss of habitat and poaching almost wiped out the cats during the early 20th century with only 20-30 individuals surviving in the wild by the 1940s.

Watch me go: The trio were born on August 5 and are named Kaktus, Jasmin and Narciss

Fierce! One of the seven-week-old cubs tries out his fighting face

source: dailymail

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