Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New underwater translator could help humans talk to dolphins


Decoding their language: Scientists are developing a new computer which may allow humans to communicate with dolphins

For years man has dreamt of being able to communicate directly with animals.
And now it appears that it could be a step closer thanks to a group of American scientists.

They are in the process of developing a underwater computer that attempts to recognise dolphin sounds and then respond in real time.

Breakthrough: The new machine, which may be similar to this, works by using hydrophones to pick up the dolphin sounds and LEDs to show the direction they came from

They are hoping to test the machine off the Florida coast in the next few weeks, and, if successful, it will be a huge step in establishing communication between humans and animals.

The machine works by using hydrophones to pick up the dolphin sounds and LEDs to show the direction they came from.

Playtime: Scientists have previously communicated with the animals using props and a large underwater keyboard

When they receive a sound, the divers will then play back one of eight 'words' and see if dolphins mimic them.

The scientists, led by Dr Denise Herzing, will then catalogue all the sounds the dolphins make and, they hope, establishing the building blocks of the dolphins language.

Dolphin Talking

source :dailymail

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