Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm over here... Polar bear says hello to Arctic cruise ship with a friendly wave


Hans missed the amazing moment the first two times and had to wait for the bear to take part in a third and final performance

Living in the limelight can be difficult but as these fantastic pictures show for one bear the tourist train never stops.

This arctic animal loves nothing more than an audience and will even climb out of his snowy bed to give the crowd a wave.

The antics of the friendly polar bear were caught on camera by Swedish photographer, Hans Strand.

During a cruise through Svalbard in the Arctic, the 54-year-old snapped the fame-hungry bear as he came out to pose for the excited crowd.

But it was third time lucky for Hans who missed the amazing moment the first two times and had to wait for the bear to take part in a third and final performance.
Hans, from Stockholm, said: 'I was on board the ship just taking in the view when I suddenly saw a head pop up from behind the ice about 15 yards away.

'Everyone on the ship got really excited and started rushing over to the one side to get a better view.

'He was yawning as though he'd just woken up but even so he seemed to be enjoying all the attention and walked over to us.

'He waved twice and everyone was pointing and cheering but I had to change the battery in my camera.

'I was willing him to wave a third time and then he finally lifted his hand and started again. Thankfully I managed to capture the shot.

'After that he kept standing up on his back legs and playing up to the camera.
'He was really enjoying himself and kept us entertained for a good few minutes.
'I couldn't believe it, I've never seen anything like it before.'

The fame-hungry bear as he came out to pose for the excited crowd

Hans, from Stockholm, said: 'I was on board the ship just taking in the view when I suddenly saw a head pop up from behind the ice

source : dailymail

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