Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Stranded 44ft sperm whale dies after being washed up on Cleveland beach

Tragic: British Divers Marine Life Rescue volunteers try to save a 44ft Sperm whale, which has now died after it was washed up on Redcar beach in Cleveland Marooned in the middle of a British beach this beautiful creature could not be saved despite the crowds of people who tried to help him stay alive.The 44ft sperm whale became beached because it got lost, a marine expert involved in the rescue bid said today.The 20-tonne adult male was stranded on Redcar beach in Cleveland and reported to police at 6.10am, sparking a major operation to save it. The giant mammal could not be rescued and dragged back into the seaBut Richard Ilderton, of the British Divers Marine Life Rescue, who was called to the scene, said the North Sea was the wrong environment for such a large creature, and any attempt...

Stranded 44ft sperm whale dies after being washed up on Cleveland beach

Tragic: British Divers Marine Life Rescue volunteers try to save a 44ft Sperm whale, which has now died after it was washed up on Redcar beach in Cleveland Marooned in the middle of a British beach this beautiful creature could not be saved despite the crowds of people who tried to help him stay alive.The 44ft sperm whale became beached because it got lost, a marine expert involved in the rescue bid said today.The 20-tonne adult male was stranded on Redcar beach in Cleveland and reported to police at 6.10am, sparking a major operation to save it. The giant mammal could not be rescued and dragged back into the seaBut Richard Ilderton, of the British Divers Marine Life Rescue, who was called to the scene, said the North Sea was the wrong environment for such a large creature, and any attempt...

Swanning around in the road: Feathered family stop the traffic after taking a rest on the Tarmac

Swanning along: This family of swans crossed the B4148 in the Erdington area of Birmingham when they decided to move from a nature reserve to the public park Busy city dual carriageway brought to a standstillBirds eventually lifted out of the traffic as drivers get angryHow does the swan cross the dual carriageway? Answer: very, very carefully and very, very slowly.This family of swans brought traffic to a standstill when they decided to take a short cut across a main city centre road. And despite wellwishers trying to lure mum, dad and their five cygnets across the busy road to safety they steadfastly refused to budge halfway into their crossing, sparking traffic mayhem. Move along please: Well wishers try to move the birds along as cars snarl up on the daul carriageway at Erdington in...

A bird in the hand: Photographer gets close-up as tame robin feeds from his fingers

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Coming in to land: The robin approachesPhotographer Mike Walker feeds a tame robin with one hand - while taking these amazing close-up pictures with his other hand.The bird flew into his garden in Portchester, Hampshire and gradually became tame enough to accept food, and would even sit on the 64-year-old's grandchildren's hands.The photographer said: 'The thing with robins, I was told, is to get mealworms - and he just went mad for them. Nearly there: The robin is just inches away from Mike's hand Made it: The bird rests on one hand, while Mike takes photos with the other'I think he was feeding youngsters at the time, that was half of it. He would fly away and then he was back ever two minutes.'He took no notice of the noise of the camera, he was just absolutely...

Mystery of 16 poisoned dogs: Pets die in agony minutes after walking in field

By CHRIS BROOKE No go area: The 30-yard-long footpath in Cross Hills, North Yorkshire, connects a road to a field for dog walkers. It has been cordoned off until experts can work out why so many dogs have died in such a short space of time after walking thereThree dogs remain in 'grave' conditionFootpath now cordoned off'We also cannot rule out the possibility that this is being done deliberately' say RSPCAA popular dog walking spot has been closed after 16 pets mysteriously died or became ill.Officials suspect the animals may have been poisoned, but no one knows if they were deliberately targeted or died by accident.In almost all instances, the dogs collapsed and died in agony within minutes of returning from a walk along a tree-lined footpath which leads down to fields by a lake Lucky...

'I've killed my dog, ha ha': Sadistic teenager hangs pet... and posts pictures on Facebook

By DAILY MAIL REPORTERWARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT Sadistic: Teenager Kamil Hric from Slovakia uploaded this picture of him hanging his pet dog on Facebook A sick 17-year-old boy filmed himself hanging his pet pooch and posted photos of it on Facebook saying, 'I’ve killed my dog - ha, ha.' The picture shows the helpless dog - still apparently struggling - swinging from a clothesline while Kamil Hric looks on laughing. Hric, from Poprad, Slovakia - who was arrested after other horrified Facebook users alerted police - told prosecutors: 'So what? It's only a dog. I did it for fun.' A police spokesman said: 'We don’t know what made him do this but we will be carrying out psychiatric reports.' Appalling cruelty: This is how star the crossbreed dog was discovered; buried alive, with all her legs tied...

Monday, May 30, 2011

The real watchdog: Border terrier is the king of bling with a ROLEX collar

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER King of bling: Smike received the 'watchdog' collar for his seventh birthday Border terrier Smike really is the king of bling with his Rolex dog collar - and with his new gear he has earned the nickname 'watchdog'.Smike's owner, Karen Denney from the village of Crawford near St Helens, specially commissioned the collar, as she wanted the ultimate canine accessory.The leather collar has a designer watch built-in and dog-lover Mrs Denney decided to splash out for her pet's seventh birthday. Watch this: The collar includes a £200 replica Rolex watch And now the 30-year-old and Smike are celebrities when she takes him for his daily stroll on Merseyside.Mrs Denney loves showing-off her 'watchdog', equipped with his collar which includes a £200 replica Rolex. The shop assistant...

The real watchdog: Border terrier is the king of bling with a ROLEX collar

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER King of bling: Smike received the 'watchdog' collar for his seventh birthday Border terrier Smike really is the king of bling with his Rolex dog collar - and with his new gear he has earned the nickname 'watchdog'.Smike's owner, Karen Denney from the village of Crawford near St Helens, specially commissioned the collar, as she wanted the ultimate canine accessory.The leather collar has a designer watch built-in and dog-lover Mrs Denney decided to splash out for her pet's seventh birthday. Watch this: The collar includes a £200 replica Rolex watch And now the 30-year-old and Smike are celebrities when she takes him for his daily stroll on Merseyside.Mrs Denney loves showing-off her 'watchdog', equipped with his collar which includes a £200 replica Rolex. The shop assistant...

Spineless and unloved: Abandoned hedgehog will never find mate because she has no bristles

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Having a ball: Betty the hedgehog, who was abandoned by her family because she does not have any spikes A rescued baby hedgehog will never be able to attract a mate because of a mystery skin condition which has left her completely bald and without spines.Betty was abandoned by her family before she was found by a member of the public and handed in to staff at an animal rescue centre.Animal experts are baffled by her mystery skin condition, which has caused the lonely hedgehog's skin to become dry and left her without any spines. Unlucky in love: Betty is being snubbed by the male hedgehogs because of her skin condition Six-week-old Betty is now so scared of other hedgehogs that staff at the animal sanctuary believe she will never find a mate.However, she cannot be...

You flirty rat! New York fashionistas splurge on designer outfits ... for their pet rodents

Runway: Perriwinkle wows the NYC Fancy Rat Convention in Manhattan with her emerald green tutu First there was doggy dresses, and coats for mini pigs, now trendy pet owners are ordering designer clothing for their rats. Pet fashionista Ada Nieves is selling rat tuxedos, wedding dresses and bridesmaids gowns among other exclusive designs. Ada, from New York, said: 'The rats look very cute and seem to like wearing them. Rats are very popular these days and the owners love to dress them up.' Rat fans gathered in New York yesterday for a rodent fashion show featuring Ada's outifts, which come complete with crystals, feathers and frilly tutus, and sell for around £50 each. Traditional: Rat Lily showcases designer Ada Nieve's wedding couture dress Rat owner Kelly Antonova, 27, said: 'Rats have...

Britain's most extravagant dog owner spends £800 on bespoke tiaras for her posh pooch

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Louise Harris and her pet dog Lola pose for a photograph wearing their matching tiaras. SHE has always treated her dogs like royalty, and now pet-mad Louise Harris has had two £400 tiaras custom-made so her Yorkie Lola can look just like Kate Middleton on her wedding day.Miss Harris, 32, spent £20,000 on a dog wedding for Lola earlier this year, where the pooch married a Chinese crested called Mugly. Pampered Pooch: Louise Harris and Lola wearing their posh headpieces designed to be replicas of the one Kate Middleton wore when she wed Prince William. But while that bash was lavish, Louise, from Chelmsford, Essex, got even more ambitious after watching the Royal wedding last month.Now Louise - who has spent more than £100,000 on goodies for Lola and her other two Yorkshire...

Mega moggies: Two stone cats bred from African wildcats taking over living rooms across Britain

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Sahara to sofa: Servals are a species of African wildcat being crossed with the domestic moggy to create sought-after Savannah catsHundreds of British cat lovers are no longer satisfied stroking the traditional moggy atop their lap.A growing trend is emerging for 'mega moggies' bred by crossing a domestic feline with a species of African wildcat to create Savannah cats.Only owners with deep pockets and space can provide homes for the felines which cost up to £10,000 and can grow to three times the size of the traditional household puss. The wildcats - called Servals - hail from sub-Saharan African and share common traits with the cheetah - including its ability to run.They can leap up to three metres in the air to catch birds and insects and feast on hares and mole...

Happy and safe, the Border Collie stabbed 13 times and left to bleed to death in the gutter

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Safe and well: Five-year-old Border Collie Bonnie plays with RSPCA worker Tracey Hutchins in Leicester after making a recovery from the attack A Border Collie was back to her playful self today after recovering from a sickening attack in which she was stabbed 13 times and left for dead in the gutter.Cute five-year-old Bonnie was left looking like a 'patchwork quilt' after the savage attack which has been described as the 'worst case of animal cruelty' seen by the animal care centre that took her in.Bonnie was found in a street drenched in blood following the heartless stabbing in Daventry, Northamptonshire, last week. Painful: Bonnie was stabbed 13 times and left to die in the street last week before a passer-by called the RSPCA who were able to perform surgery After...

What have you got to hide January? Ms Jones attempts to conceal her baby bump with her pet dog

By DAILY MAIL REPORTERSomething to hide? January Jones went on a hike around Lake Hollywood in Los Angeles with her adorable black dog, at times hiding her baby bump with the pup As the media storm continues with speculation on who the father of her unborn child is, January Jones found some solace in her loyal companion, today.The 33-year-old actress spent some time with her adorable black dog as they went for a hike around Lake Hollywood in Los Angeles. And at first it seemed that the shy X Men star was trying to use the shaggy-haired pooch to conceal her growing baby bump. Comfort: The actress later revealed her burgeoning belly in a nude long-sleeve top and a pair of loose fitting pants Clutching onto her four-legged friend, she rested the pet on across her stomach as they made their...

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