Saturday, April 30, 2011

A couple of Bengal tigers presented on April 29, 2011 at the zoo of Rio de Janeiro

A tourist takes a snapshot of a couple of Bengal tigers presented on April 29, 2011 at the zoo of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The tigers were named Prince William and princess Kate after Prince William and Kate Middleton' s royal wedding in London on Friday. A couple of Bengal tigers presented on April 29, 2011 at the zoo of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, lie in their cage. The tigers were named Prince William and princess Kate after Prince William and Kate Middleton' s royal wedding in London on Friday. A female Bengal tiger in her cage at the zoo of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on April 29, 2011.A female Bengal tiger in her cage at the zoo of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on April 29, 2011.source : daylife photo: gettyimages...

Thugly duckling

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Ducking out: The Jack Russell tries to get away as the tiny bird gives chase When a tiny bundle of feathers encountered a dog it quickly became clear which one was a chicken.A brave little duckling is seen chasing after a Jack Russell - who tries to make a dash with his tail between his legs - in a classic case of David and Goliath.Despite the loud barks of the nervous dog, the duckling kept on running at its playmate, trying to have some fun. All bark, no bite: Despite the loud yelps of the dog, the duckling keeps on waddling towards its playmate The Jack Russell is so keen to get away that at one point he is seen falling flat on his face.The duckling must have realised that this dog's bark was worse than its bite.source: dailymail...

The one guest who DIDN'T want to be there: Runaway horse throws its soldier and makes a swift exit

By EMILY ANDREWS Runaway: The horse threw its rider before leaving the cavalry procession and bolting up Whitehall It wouldn’t be a proper wedding if there wasn’t at least one slip-up.But pity the poor cavalry guardsman who fell from his horse when it spooked at the cheering crowds.He desperately tried to cling on, but was thrown onto the tarmac as the carriage procession left Westminster Abbey and turned from Parliament Square onto Whitehall. Homing sense: The riderless creature careers alongside the procession - but eventually found its way home to the stables at Horse Guards' Barracks At first he managed to grab onto the reins and keep his steed to one side, as Kate and William passed by in their open-top 1902 State Landau.Kate, who is allergic to horses, looked shocked and a little worried,...

How Kate's foxy sister Pippa stole the show

By CATHERINE OSTLER Elegant: Pippa, pictured entering Westminster Abbey this morning with the bridesmaids and pageboys, echoed the bride's dress in a design by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueenThe day might have belonged to the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, but the supporting cast were almost as gripping, and none of them more so than the members of what is fast becoming Britain’s most famous and fascinating family.Middleton-watchers were amply rewarded with a spectacle of nerves, tans, dignity, surprising outfits and sex appeal (yes, that refers to you, Miss Philippa Middleton!). Indeed, you could even say that the Westminster Abbey Show felt just as much Bucklebury (the Berkshire village where the Middletons live) as it did Buckingham Palace — despite all the trumpeters and foreign...

Magical wedding for a Royal bride...

By ROBERT HARDMAN Double kiss: The newly-married couple share their first public kiss on the balcony as thousands of screaming well-wishers watch Kate said 'I am glad the weather held off, we had a great day''I am so proud you're my wife' says William as he helps Kate into carriageOne million well-wishers line the streets to catch a glimpse of the coupleWilliam tells Kate 'You look - er, you are beautiful' as she arrives at the altarDress was by McQueen - but where will they go on honeymoon? Prince William emerges from Buckingham Palace in his father's dark blue Aston Martin as the crowd roars. The number plate on the rear said 'Just Wed'Two tiny, softly-spoken words cut the pin-drop silence of a dumbstruck Westminster Abbey and sent cheers ringing from Whitehall to Bucklebury to Papua...

Friday, April 29, 2011

An Asian elephant calf, born at the Oklahoma City Zoo

An Asian elephant calf, born at the Oklahoma City Zoo April 15, 2011, is pictured with her mother, Asha, right, a 16-year old Asian elephant, and her aunt, Chandra, left, a 14-year old Asian Elephant, at the zoo in Oklahoma City, Thursday, April 28, 2011. An Asian elephant calf, born at the Oklahoma City Zoo April 15, 2011, is pictured with her mother, Asha, a 16-year old Asian elephant, in Oklahoma City, Thursday, April 28, 2011. An Asian elephant calf, born at the Oklahoma City Zoo April 15, 2011, is pictured with her mother, Asha, a 16-year old Asian elephant, in Oklahoma City, Thursday, April 28, 2011An Asian elephant calf, born at the Oklahoma City Zoo April 15, 2011, walks with her mother, Asha, a 16-year old Asian elephant, in Oklahoma City, Thursday, April 28, 2011.source: daylife...

It's a dog's wife: Why female pooches are 'more intelligent' than males

By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Eye on the ball: Using an experiment involving tennis balls scientists have discovered differences in the brains of female and male dogs If your female dog can sit, lie down and even bring your slippers then it may not just be well trained.It could actually be all in her brain.A study has found that female canine brains are different from that of their male counterparts. And in at least once task the females have the edge. No idea: Detailed analysis of the study found that male dogs did not noticed anything odd at all about the balls - yet the females did Scientists studied a range of common household dogs of both sexes to see whether they understood a simple cognition task that humans understand by the age of one.The task involved the realisation that objects do not...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Larry, the Downing Street cat, gets in the Royal Wedding spirit in a Union flag bow-tie

LONDON - APRIL 28: Larry, the Downing Street cat, gets in the Royal Wedding spirit in a Union flag bow-tie in the Cabinet Room at number 10 Downing Street on April 28, 2011 in London, England. Prince William will marry his fiancee Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey tomorrow. LONDON - APRIL 28: Larry, the Downing Street cat, gets in the Royal Wedding spirit in a Union flag bow-tie in the Cabinet Room at number 10 Downing Street on April 28, 2011 in London, England. Prince William will marry his fiancee Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey tomorrow. LONDON - APRIL 28: Larry, the Downing Street cat, gets in the Royal Wedding spirit in a Union flag bow-tie in the Cabinet Room at number 10 Downing Street on April 28, 2011 in London, England. Prince William will marry his fiancee Catherine...

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